Team & Interdependency

The Power of Inclusive Teams

We are living in the post Covid era where remote and virtual working are now common. This means that talent pools have become even more international and diverse, and this in turn is driving an urgent need for international organisations to be adopt inclusive practices in their leadership and key teams.   If we add…

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Team & Interdependency

Motivating Your Senior Team

If you are leading a senior team, a critical part of your role is facilitating the high performance of key individuals and the collective.  This means tapping into key motivations.  It is well documented, that intrinsic motivation is both more meaningful and more sustainable for senior executives. They still enjoy extrinsic rewards, and will happily…

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Praesta Insights

The Resilient Team

Introduction At Praesta we focus on helping organisations to achieve sustainable change. Ideally, that means a partnership approach, including work with leadership teams. The concerted senior team effort has the potential to influence motivation, performance and culture for the longer term, whilst the impact of individual leaders risks fading with their departure. In this Insight…

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Team Work Team & Interdependency

High Performance: Part 2

In a former life, I was an international rugby referee. This gave me a glimpse into aspects of high performance from a close but neutral perspective. As I think back on some of the champion sides  that I refereed a few distinctive qualities stand out: Play right at the Edge. Great sides were difficult to…

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Team & Interdependency Team & Interdependency

High Performance: Part 1

In a past life, I was a rugby referee. I did this for around a decade rising high enough to officiate in International games. I had the pleasure of officiating in games featuring Emerging Wallabies; American Eagles, England, Scotland, the champion NZ All Blacks and the mighty British Lions. This experience gifted me with a…

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Build Strong Teams Team & Interdependency

How Great Leaders build Strong Teams?

I was recently asked: “What are the qualities of the best team leaders I have worked with?” It was a question that led me to this article. It also made me reflect on my experience in coaching and facilitating teams. Having been around business teams across different cultures, different industries and organizations for over 30…

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Praesta Insights

The Age of Agility

Agility And Why It Matters When we at Praesta reviewed our work, we were struck by the way clients were trying to deal with economic and geo-political uncertainty. Rarely in our working lives have macro economic outlooks seemed so hard to predict. Many organisations had used the recession to good effect. They had revisited strategies,…

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