Leader Snacks

Trust in a Virtual World

In our recent research on Leading Virtual Teams we revealed the critical importance of Trust. Whilst trust has always been a core quality  of high performing teams, it’s relevance has taken on heightened meaning in the move to virtual work and the current levels of uncertainty about the future. In this podcast we discuss Trust as a…

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Leader Snacks

How Inclusive a Leader are You?

There is a lot written about the organizational benefits of inclusion. And as we enter a phase of more accelerated change, these benefits take on even greater importance. These benefits include Innovation Agility and resilience Robust decision making Trust and engagement Productivity Better quality talent pools We also know that there are deep seated systemic…

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Coaching Leader Snacks

Becoming a Better Leader – Learn Coaching

If you are an organisational leader or high potential thinking about how you can advance your leadership capability, then “graduating” as a coach could be a great way forward.  When you learn to coach, you are learning a new way to lead, and it is an approach that can elevate your leadership and help you…

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Mark S Powell Leader Snacks

The Challenges & Opportunities in Asia Pacific

We regularly reach out to our client base to get their views on a number of important issues affecting their leadership. Recently we spoke to Asia Pac leaders about some of the “regional” challenges they face leading across Asia. Performance happens in “context” and we believe the themes below are of significant importance when advising…

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Leader Snacks

3 Simple Performance Ideas For Senior Leaders & Their Businesses

Research & Findings: Recently, we asked 30 leaders in the Asia Pacific what was most important in generating performance through leading a regional/ international business that spanned both geographical and cultural boundaries. These were leaders from various international organizations, all within the Asia Pacific region. They include both commercial and functional leaders. Here are some…

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Mark S Powell Leader Snacks

Future of Leadership

  The critical Highlights are: The future is moving quickly towards us. Whilst we are up for many surprises, some aspects of tomorrow are predictable We need to pay attention not just to the changing nature of markets and competitive disruptors, but also to the way work is done and what that means for nature…

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Mark S Powell Leader Snacks

Power of Purposing

    Key Points: Comparison between functional teams, P& L teams, and project teams. Create a bigger purpose. Something beyond numbers and yet inclusive of numbers, to engage the team at an intrinsic motivation level ( personally invested) Try this simple equation: Purpose = distinctive action (what can only this team do) + distinguishing value…

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