Change & Agility

Resilience & Agility: The New Leadership Currency

Resilience & agility are 2 terms that are now used frequently in leadership conversations. They go together like two lions protecting the entrance to the sacred place. There reverence has arisen out of our more volatile and uncertain world. They are the requirements of the leadership dance that accompanies a highly dynamic and competitive landscape.…

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Change & Agility

How to Transform your Business in 6 Steps

The top team, whether at global or regional level, fundamentally dictate the success of change initiatives. This team needs to attend to their own internal dynamics and processes so that they can both model and enable the transformation message across the business. Team Alignment for Business Transformation As the world becomes more and more turbulent,…

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Team Work Team & Interdependency

High Performance: Part 2

In a former life, I was an international rugby referee. This gave me a glimpse into aspects of high performance from a close but neutral perspective. As I think back on some of the champion sides  that I refereed a few distinctive qualities stand out: Play right at the Edge. Great sides were difficult to…

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Mark S Powell Leader Snacks

Future of Leadership

  The critical Highlights are: The future is moving quickly towards us. Whilst we are up for many surprises, some aspects of tomorrow are predictable We need to pay attention not just to the changing nature of markets and competitive disruptors, but also to the way work is done and what that means for nature…

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Team & Interdependency Team & Interdependency

High Performance: Part 1

In a past life, I was a rugby referee. I did this for around a decade rising high enough to officiate in International games. I had the pleasure of officiating in games featuring Emerging Wallabies; American Eagles, England, Scotland, the champion NZ All Blacks and the mighty British Lions. This experience gifted me with a…

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Strategy & Innovation Strategy & Innovation

1 Simple Step to turn around Execution

I recall working with an important leadership team 2 years ago as they grappled with the start of the digital transformation that has consumed them and many other businesses over the past few years. The global initiative was a new e-commerce platform to boost the sales, aid the supply chain and accelerate the payment process.…

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Build Strong Teams Team & Interdependency

How Great Leaders build Strong Teams?

I was recently asked: “What are the qualities of the best team leaders I have worked with?” It was a question that led me to this article. It also made me reflect on my experience in coaching and facilitating teams. Having been around business teams across different cultures, different industries and organizations for over 30…

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Mark S Powell Leader Snacks

Power of Purposing

    Key Points: Comparison between functional teams, P& L teams, and project teams. Create a bigger purpose. Something beyond numbers and yet inclusive of numbers, to engage the team at an intrinsic motivation level ( personally invested) Try this simple equation: Purpose = distinctive action (what can only this team do) + distinguishing value…

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